
We first applied for acceptance in the Network in 2019, in alliance with the Education Secratriat for the State of Veracruz (SEV) and the Universidad Veracruzana. This first project was develpoed together with the musical community, forming an external advisory group that included advisors who were part of the application teams from cities that belong to the Network (Ensenada, Guadalajara and Buenos Aires).

In 2019, we began an alliance with the United States-Mexico Foundation for Science (FUMEC) to carry out a sectorial development program focused on the creative economy of Xalapa. Thanks to this program, we were able to install a Creative Economy Strategic Table (a quadruple hélix framework) which is a city governance scheme for decision-making on the subject. We also have a catalog of strategic projects with leading companies and organizations at the forefront. The Network of Extensionists in Creative Economy was formed to professionalize our entrepreneurial ecosystems and cultural enterprises.

Currently the MEEC formed the Xalapa Nomination Committee to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, made up of members of the MEEC, as well as external advisers with experience in the field of international cooperation and networking, particularly in UNESCO-related projects.

The Xalapa Nomination Committee to join the 2021 Creative Cities Network is made up of the following institutions:

-Instituto Veracruzano de la Cultura

-Ayuntamiento de Xalapa

-Fundación México – Estados Unidos para la Ciencia

-Dirección de Difusión Cultural (Universidad Veracruzana)

-Orquesta Sinfónica de Xalapa (Universidad Veracruzana)

-Cauz | Foro & Librería

-Festival Internacional de Música y Laudería

-Red de Espacios Culturales Independientes de Xalapa

-Red de Extensionistas en Economía Creativa de Xalapa

-Grupo DIX

-Habitante Revista

-Artolin – Arte en la Blockchain

-Artist Liberation Front